Monday, July 8, 2019

St. Noel- Gabi

Today was the first day of service in Buffalo for YNIA 2019. This morning, I woke up with high expectations of the personal connections we would make, after making similar strong connections during last year's trip; and after working at the Response to Love Center and the Mother Teresa House, I can say confidently that my expectations not only changed, but my perspective on poverty changed as well. At the Response to Love Center, I assisted a fellow volunteer in sorting, organizing, taking inventory of, and distributing food to members of the surrounding communities, anxious for its arrival. In the distribution of bread, I brought loaves to many people of various ages. One encounter that stuck with me the most was that of a mother and her daughter, similar to me in age. As I walked the cart of bread to the table, I met them when they stood up and searched for what they needed. I handed the mother a single loaf of bread, and she became visibly emotional in her immense appreciation. The single loaf of bread was her main source of food and her emotional appreciation for my simple gesture made my day. I later discussed it with the other volunteer, and she said that they have a very limited food source, and this is their main way of getting the nutrition they need. This opened my mind to the thought that we are not only very privileged, but also the people we serve during YNIA are very under privileged, to an extent that is often undercooked and not understood until experienced. In one day, I learned to appreciate food, friendship and companionship, and financial stability more than I ever have before. In discussing with the other volunteer about the center in addition to the people they serve, she told me the volunteers are often alone in the multitude of work they have to complete per day, and that we were also changing the lives of the volunteers because they could share the load with others who care just as much. She expressed her great appreciation for our service because it restored her faith in the young generations working to change the world one step at a time. I would like to thank YNIA, Saint Noel, the Harvest House, and the Response to Love Center for making this an experience I am sure I will never forget!

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